

They hadn’t been married long and were still in the newlywed stage of things. They had, however, settled into a happy routine. Joe’s only wish for Jamie - that she be a little more demanding in the bedroom. Jamie was shy, almost timid, not sure of herself when it came to asking for what she wanted. While making love, Joe would try to bring Jamie out of her shell, get her move vocal and involved. Did she like to be touched here? What position felt best? Jamie would try but it was still difficult for her. Joe loved her and accepted that he would always be the more dominant in their relationship. Or not....

Jamie stood, looking at herself in the mirror. Joe had left for work and she had the day off. Her mind kept turning to last night. Joe had made love to her so softly, so sweetly. Again. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy that. Lord knows she did. Joe knew how to do everything just perfect. But Jamie also knew that Joe wanted her to be more aggressive. Less timid. As she looked at herself, Jamie tried to open her mind up, see possibilities. What she saw was a pretty, attractive woman. Long blonde hair, striking blue eyes. Her small breasts pointed out, her nipples pink against her fair skin. She thought of her husband. Joe was taller by a couple inches, skinny but with muscular arms. His broad chest always got to her. And the way his mustache and goatee felt against her skin. Mmm that always felt good. She loved the way his brown eyes would look at her as he made love to her. So caring and loving. Looking at herself in the mirror again, Jamie decided it was time to do something about his fantasy. She’d find a way to be less timid.

Where to start? You couldn’t just wake up one day and say, “I’m going to be more dominant.” Could you? Jamie figured the best place to start was with lingerie. Something slinky and sexy. Wouldn’t that give her more confidence if she felt more sexy? Slipping into a pair of jeans and a sweater, Jamie headed out to the mall.

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