A new bra

A new bra

Hannah Crofts gingerly ran her fingers over a white lace bra while wondering how she would look in it. She was completely lost in thought when a voice from behind her ask casually, “May I help you?” Hannah spun around and nervously replied, “Well, uh, you see I was just looking at the bras…………..” “The one you were touching is very pretty,” the older woman said with a smile. “Would you like to try it on?” “Uh, I don’t think so,” she replied softly. “I was just looking, that’s all.” “Have you ever shopped for lingerie by yourself?” the woman asked gently. With her face turning six shades of red the eighteen year old stared at the floor while whispering, “No, never.” Without asking, the woman took Hannah by the arm and led her towards the rear of the shop. When they reached the dressing room area she gently offered, “We have private changing rooms, let’s go inside and get your measurements.” A little stunned and bewildered by the sales lady’s directness, nineteen year old Hannah nodded dumbly and allowed herself to be directed inside a very spacious dressing cubicle. Once inside the woman ordered almost casually, “Okay, honey, off with the shirt so we can see what we’ve got!”

“Y-you’re gonna stay in?” Hannah asked. “Of course I am, dear,” the woman replied a matter of factly. “How else am I going to get your measurements?” “I dunno,” the young woman replied dumbly. “Here, let me help you with that,” the woman said while grabbing the hem of her baggy shirt and whisking it up and over her head. Now standing there in only her old bra and blue jeans, Hannah modestly covered her chest with crossed arms. My goodness gracious!” the woman offered softly while pushing Hannah’s hands down to her sides. “Your breasts are almost huge, I can certainly see why you need a new bra!” Hannah kept her eyes cast down while the sales woman turned her around to undo the catches on her bra strap. “There we go,” the woman said quietly. “Now, let me get some measurements.” Out of nowhere th... Læs hele novellen

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arve58, 58

Hei eg er en mann som ikkje har hatt sex på over 13 år no eg er steril eg søker etter en dominant dame som er dominant og streng drømmer ofte om å være slave ...

SuddhVeg, 27

I am an editor, who can edit any type of video, If i said this in short then it's everything.

Paul Palle
Paul Palle, 53

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