Code blue

Code blue

"See, I told you the wait staff was scrumptious here!" Elizabeth McGowen whispered loudly. "Go ahead and drop your spoon so that one will bend over to pick it up." She said as she giggled.

Kate smiled in spite of herself. It was musing to see frumpy Elizabeth, the wife of dour banker David McGowen tittering like a school girl over twenty something waiters.

Across the table from her, Dorthy Taylor agreed. "Those boys would positively wear you out Liz. she said in a raspy voice. Dorthy had been divorced for a year. Her husband had abandoned his 52 year old wife for a 24 year old coffee shop girl. As she brushed her permed hair back from her forehead she said, "You are just so much talk. You need to get out and live a little."

"So I could be a sotted old slut like you," giggled Elizabeth. It was a standing joke between the married Elizabeth and Kate that Dorthy was a loose woman. In fact, she had only had a few dates and those were totally unsatisfying. The singles scene for women in their fifties was dramatically different than for men. Elizabeth, Kate and Dorthy had gotten into a routine of shopping together on Thursday mornings and then having brunch. Their favorite restaurant at the moment was Chasers, an upscale bistro with a the usually assortment of light wooded fixtures, ferns and dark haired Latin twenty something waiters.

As their dark haired dark eyed waiter moved towards them, Kate could not help herself but to notice the olive skin of the boy against the white shirt. She smiled as Elizabeth blatantly flirted with the boy as she ordered her usually cob salad and ice tea leaning over to show as much cleavage as she could. Although he flashed is bright white teeth at her, his dark eyes belayed a sense of annoyance.

Well, Kate thought, as she unconsciously adjusted her white silk blouse, it is probably no different than what he does with his friends to girls at the bar and strip club. It is good for him to be the object every once in a while. ... Læs hele novellen

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