First time-ken becomes kendra

First time-ken becomes kendra

It was the time of reckoning. Ken could feel the flush in his face. His heart was pounding. Even though he was bigger, stronger and more athletically fit than Brent Halloway, the slight-sized young office boy had a demeanor that belied his phyical stature. The cat had been cornered by the mouse.

"Show me your legs," came the smiling request. The slender, yet well-muscled man kicked off his shoes and exposed his nylon covered feet, the darker reinforced nylon covering his toes. He unfastened his belt and opened the top of his slacks. Looking at the approving nod of his smaller companion he felt the heat in his face as he slid the slacks down his nylon covered legs and stepped out of them.

As Ken, the self-professed ladies macho laid his pants on the chair the smaller man moved next to him. A hand fondled his cock through the darker nylon top section of his pantyhose. The touch was magical. His erection felt immense.

Dressed in sweater and the coffee colored pantyhose with reinforced top and toe, Ken walked around the room in his stocking feet, showing himself. Of average height and trim build, he had looked at himself enough in the privacy of his room to know that his legs looked good in nylon. The delicious swish, swish of nylon on nylon broke the silence as the sandy-haired man moved his legs. At Brents request he turned a slow circle and then stood, his excitement fully visable through the darker top section of the pantyhose.

His slim-bodied companion motioned for him to come close. He did. Once again the hand massaged his cock through its smooth nylon covering. Continuing the touching, the twerpy looking young man leaned close and whispered into his ear, "Stand on you tip toes for me, sweetie....nice and tall."

Unsure, but excited by realizing his long secret fantasy, not wanting to disappoint and captivated by the attention being paid to his crotch, Ken raised up on his tiptoes as high as he could manage. He stood that way for some time, g... Læs hele novellen

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Sweet Alina, 27

Hej, jeg er en almindelig pige, jeg vil gerne møde en anstændig mand. Jeg kan godt lide at lege lidt. Min fisse er altid glat. Find mig med QR-kode mit kaldenavn er SweetAlina1997...

Miss Pat 4 you
Miss Pat 4 you, 23

Hallo, jeg hedder Anna, er lidt til uniformer og kan blive din stuepige. Men du skal sende mig et godt tilbud....

Pattiyarat, 27

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