Steph gets hers

Steph gets hers

Its funny how much a little kiss can change a life. Its even funnier how surprised Steph was when that little kiss made her into my little bitch.

But Im getting ahead of myself.

Ill just start by describing myself: a 16 year-old bomb-shell with impossibly long legs and flawless skin. Having DD tits and a perfect ass just adds to the awesome that is my body. And Im not saying all this to brag, its just a fact.

Steph, on the other hand, is pretty plain, Id even go so far as to call her hideous, but that may just be me getting pissy again. Shes rail thin, almost anorexic, has no curves to speak of and she has a belly so fat and round that she looks 6 months pregnant despite her small frame. No chin and a bit of a mustache growing doesnt help her.

So why did I pick her?

Because she picked the wrong man to mess with. She chose my man.

Now my man, is Michael. Michael, the adonis of my school, is the most drop-dead gorgeous specimen of a guy that I have ever seen: picture heath ledgers face with brilliant green eyes and the sexiest rock-hard abs imaginable. And his 9 and a half inch package isnt too shabby either. Which is why from the moment I saw him, I knew hed be mine, one way or another.

That is, I knew that until Steph got her ugly little pussy in the way.

Steph just waltzed right into my high school halfway through the year like she was royalty and we all should kiss her ass. Which was not going to happen; and as she would soon find out, the exact opposite would be occurring. Steph started with Jess man, she flirted and tramped around like the newest hit at a strip club. I pretty much ignored her for the first few months, after all, she wasnt after anyone that I wanted.

But then she decided to catch Michael. And she chose wrong.

Now if I was a fighter, like Jess, I would probably have bashed her head into the brick wall surrounding our school as soon as I saw the little good-bye peck on the lips the she gave Michael after third peri... Læs hele novellen

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