the v girl

the v girl

Walking into the bank, he was still nervous about his new

found powers of mind control. He never thought in his wildest

dreams that life could be so easy, or so decadent. As he pretended to

fill out a deposit slip, he scanned the various tellers to see who would

be worthy of his attentions. But first a test. He never tried anything

himself without a test. Since his experience on the subway, he had

learned to be wary of the rare person who was somehow immune to

his influence.

He threw the mental control net over the whole bank to alter

the mental states of all who were there and all who would enter. No

one was to take notice of anything that was to happen. He scanned

carefully and decided upon two people, a middle aged brunette and

the security guard. The woman was around 16 but VERY attractive.

You could tell that she took pride in her appearance. She wore a

yellow business suit, black stockings and high heels. Her hips were

rounded with a small waist. He hesitated to mess up her make up,

but then he saw that the security guard was an older man, around

60. He probably hadnt had anything exciting in a while. That was to


The womans name was Ms kohli, as indicated by the name

plate on her counter. *Ms. kohli, close your window and walk to......

Bill, the security guard*. Very casually she did so, and walked

through the buzzer door and across the bank tile floor, ass swaying

gently, her heels clicking the way high heels do. Upon reaching Bill

standing next to the bank front doors, she stopped and simply stood

expressionless about one foot from Bill.

*Drop slowly to your knees, unzip his pants and take his cock

out* She did so in only the way a woman of experience could. Ms.

kohli slowly sank to her knees and unzipped his navy blue polyester

pants. She reached gently into the open fly and.... started to have a

bit of trouble. At first he thought that the instructions were

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Miss Pat 4 you, 23

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Sweet Alina, 27

Hej, jeg er en almindelig pige, jeg vil gerne møde en anstændig mand. Jeg kan godt lide at lege lidt. Min fisse er altid glat. Find mig med QR-kode mit kaldenavn er SweetAlina1997...

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