Zoey101 people auction

Zoey101 people auction

A fire had damaged Sushi Rox, the sushi bar on the PCA campus, and Zoey and her friends were trying to think of a way to raise money to help rebuild it. �I know what we can do.� Zoey said. �We can have a people auction.

What�s a people auction?� Nicole asked with her usual confused look on her face.

We get some of the kids together and teachers can bid on us and have us do odd jobs.� Zoey explained looking at her friend. Everybody agreed it was a good idea and they started making plans for their big fund raiser.

The day came of the auction and Chase and Michael were up for auction. They weren�t happy when Coach Heller bid on them and nobody else bid. Coach Heller was a loud obnoxious person and he blamed Chase for the fire. The auction wasn�t going well they were still $4000 short of the $10,000 needed to repair the damages. Zoey, Nicole and Lola were up for bid next when Logan Reese, the spoiled rich brat, stood up and bid $4000. Zoey started complaining that he couldn�t bid; it was only supposed to be teachers. Dean Rivers told Zoey the rules didn�t say only a teacher could bid and he called Logan�s dad to make sure he could spend that much money. His dad said it was fine so the three girls had been sold to Logan.

The next day was Saturday and the day the kids were to fulfill their obligations. Michael and Chase arrived at Coach Heller�s, he was loud as usual. He threw them a fish and yelled, �You�re the reason I can�t get any sushi. Now make me a spicy tuna roll.�

Back at the dorm Logan is holding up three very skimpy cheerleader uniforms and telling the girls, You�re going to be my personal cheerleaders for the weekend. Whatever I do you will cheer for it.�

You�re crazy; we�re not going to do that. And these outfits are so small they wouldn�t leave much to the imagination.� Zoey complained. ... Læs hele novellen

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