

The entity we refer to as God had the power to manifest any and all things that were imaginable. Mankind prefers to assume they were created in the entity image.

But the only thing we start out by possession of that pertains to our creator is our mental imagination which we can use to create for our needs and or our natural cravings. Imagination is the beginning of ones very own conducts and what one mentally imagines is what one desires.

If one accepts and becomes domicile to only obey and do conduct as societies brainwashes one to do then they lose their soul which is the fear to use their imagination. There are all kinds of natural and sexual cravings that one discovers that is created by the entity of nature and some by society conduct. Brain wash preference by others can create a fear that can kill ones entity soul of imagination. To seek homosexual avenues and remain discreet are not possible after one makes the decision to seek a mate. And no matter how desperately one wants to only seek love and devotion it never works for most just as most straight guys seeking a perfect lady mate fails. No one person can fulfill all of ones imagination.

The trial and error adventures in desperation that begins as ones physical and mental state of desires gets the better of their logical judgment. But the most fear that ones discovers are caused by the ones that show awareness to eye and body language that will somewhat accept and even also make advances and then emotional try to become ashamed of their conduct and then try to persecute the one they accommodated to or for and often feel they were raped. They go into a false confession state of telling one or several that they were advanced on as to make them selves appear and feel like they never did do anything as to escape personal guilt. But unwisely want it known that they were getting attention. A nark will shift all the blame on some other one or avenue before accepting their involvement as in persecuting ... Læs hele novellen

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Mia, 41

søger stor moden pik til skønne sexlege Skriv om dine fantasier og kinks. Jeg har en masse gode forslag. Nogen af dem vil måske give dig rejsning!!! Billeder er meget velkomne, især de skrappe! K...

Magnificent Beast
Magnificent Beast, 38

Jeg er ny i alt det her novelle skrivning - lurer bare rundt

Bitch26, 27

Sexistisk kvinde sjov lege, er spændt på på at læse lidt

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