Professor aalto, her view

Professor aalto, her view

Anna likes watching daddy pick cherries.

The actors in this script are of legal age, but may portray maturing young adults. This is a work of adult erotic fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If youre under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If its entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you enjoy the story!

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If you dont like fur dont read this story.

Hope you enjoy.


My daddy Alton Aalto is a renowned Professor of Mathematics at the university. His head is often off in another world and my mom was quite frustrated, frequently complaining about his distractions. It wasnt that he didnt pay attention to her or didnt keep her in a style beyond our means, she just seemed frustrated with marriage as best I could tell. I could surmise this even when I was quite young.

Im Anna Aalto, a junior in college and I recently turned 18. Mom hasnt been around since I went into puberty. She said that was the last straw for her. She left us, giving daddy sole custody of me and with her best wishes for him to cope with me. I wasnt a difficult child at all but being my fathers child I wasnt shy or reluctant with my mental capabilities. Mom was just not equipped to deal with me or daddy. Mom and me never bonded and I watched her disenchantment grow from an early age. So I wasnt surprised or upset when she left. Ive always been daddys little girl anyway.

Mom was a beautiful woman and with daddys physique and my moms good looks folks say I turned out to have a rather fantastic body. I never thought much about it however until several years ago with the beginning of my obsession over sex. Im still a virgin and I take very good care of my body.

I know mom and dad screwed like minks. Daddy kn... Læs hele novellen

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Pattiyarat, 27

Happy to be here. Happy to read. Happy to meet. Happy to greet.

Magnificent Beast
Magnificent Beast, 38

Jeg er ny i alt det her novelle skrivning - lurer bare rundt

Bitch26, 27

Sexistisk kvinde sjov lege, er spændt på på at læse lidt

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