Hot For Student

Hot For Student

The teacher sat at the head of the classroom, blue eyes watching the students file in and sit down. It was an all girls’ school; the only men in the building were the teachers and the occasional parents.

The girls sat down and smoothed their skirts over their legs. The bell rang and the teacher stood up, “ Good morning ladies” “ Good morning Mr. Smith” All the girls spoke at the same time, their voices a musical harmony. “Alright, today we will be…” The door opened, cutting off Mr. Smith’s words.

A girl walked in, breathing heavily, her medium sized breast’s pushing against her thin button up white shirt. Mr. Smith looked at her, a burning desire starting in his stomach. The sun shone through the windows, making her golden hair shine.

Her name was Heather Graham, perfect student, never late for class, completely prude. Ever since the first day of school Mr. Smith had wanted her, but knew it would never happen. He was thirty-eight, she was sixteen. “Good morning Miss Graham, take your seat” When Mr. Smith spoke there was a sternness in his voice.

Heather bowed her head and slowly walked to her chair, turning slightly red at being late for class. She moved her hair over her neck, hiding a large red mark on it. Mr. Smith watched her move, his rock hard cock pushing against his pants. He thought to himself: you have wanted her all this time, here is your chance: He made a quick decision and waited for Heather to sit down.

“ Oh, by the way Miss Graham, you have detention with me after school” Heather looked up at him and nodded slowly, “ Yes Sir” She put her head back down, sighing. She hated being late for class and this was her first ever detention. Heather never got in trouble, so she was really upset. “ Good, now as I was saying before I was interrupted, today we have a test on chapter six”

Mr. Smith handed out the test’s and sat down at his desk. From where he was he could see dow... Læs hele novellen

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