A dominat mans anal desire

A dominat mans anal desire

She thought she detected subtle hints, but chided herself thinking that her fiancé was the most macho, dominant man she had ever known. They had dated a while before moving in together, two years ago. She thought she knew him, but did she really? The thought lingered with her all day.

He called from work. His eight-hour evening shift turned into a double shift, due to a shortage of police officers that night. He would be home around seven oclock in the morning.

She felt sad, but understood that sometimes his job demanded this of him. Trying to make lemons out of lemonade, she decided that she would pamper herself tonight. It would be a wonderful surprise for him to arrive home, finding her lying in bed naked as the day she was born.

She took a hot bath and pranced around the house with a towel wrapped around her. After painting her toenails, she put a soft scented lotion on her body. When she went to the dresser, instead of getting out one of her silky nightgowns, she opted for one of his large shirts. Wearing his shirts has always made her feel sexy. It reminded her of his dominant size over her. As a cop he works out regularly, to stay in shape. The XL football jersey swam on her petite body, but she enjoyed feeling the difference between them.

When she started to close his dresser drawer something solid rolled to the front of the drawer. She reached in and withdrew a soft plastic anal plug. The shock she felt, ran to her core, but in her mind it confirmed some of the subtle hints she had noticed. Dare she look in the drawer again? She did and produced a porno magazine, as well as a bottle of lubricant, a vibrator and her enema bag with hose and nozzle.

She took the items and laid them on the bed, staring at them. Why hadnt he said anything to her, she wondered. She decided to call him on his cell, at work.


"Hi honey, hows your double shift going?"

"Its going fine. Im sitting in my cruiser just watching for drunks."

"Are you a... Læs hele novellen

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