A great weekend dog sitting

A great weekend dog sitting

I have always loved animals, especially dogs, they are so fun to watch & play with. Some are clumsy, some are smart, & then some are not as smart as the others. My job, unfortunately does not pay well enough for me to own my own house & the apartments that allowed anaimals should probably be condemend. So I unhappily took an apartment that didnt allow animals but it was very nice & in a nice part of town.

I was thrilled when the house next door was sold to a middle aged couple who had the biggest dog I have ever seen. It must of been a Great Dane, I have never seen one in real life. I knew they were big dogs but I never imagined a dog could be that big.

Soon on my daily 2.5 mile run I was stopping by when he was out in the yard to pet him a little. I was suprised a fence that short would keep him in, so one day when I saw one of the owners outside I asked if he could jump the fence. She said "no, hes too chicken to even try jumping it, & he knows hed be in big trouble if he ever did." She said the last part with a smile so I knew he wasnt in danger of getting abused if he ever did jump it. She said he name was Kathy & he husbands name was Don, " & this guy here is Bouncer" she said as she rubbed his head. I introduced myself & we talked a bit.

I was soon bringing Bouncer treats when I was going out for a run, I could tell he looked forward to me comming to see him because he always met me at the end of the yard. It was also good motivation to keep running everyday. After a few months Kathy & Don began asking me to come over & grill out with them. I loved playing with Bouncer & they were really nice people & we got along great.

Then one time when we were eating Don said " Carla, we know how much you & Bouncer like each other & we were wondering if youd be interested in dog sitting this weekend, I know its short notice but something came up & we need to be out of town" It was short notice, it was Wednesday already, but luckily I had nothing going on so I accep... Læs hele novellen

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