A trip to the cabaret

A trip to the cabaret

I hadnt been to the cabaret before. It had been raided several times and I wondered what all the hubub was about. I decided to go there when it opened at 10:30 in the morning. I heard the door lock open as I walked up to the door. I didnt know who was behind it, so I waited thirty seconds before going in. I walked in the lobby. Not seeing anyone, I walked past the empty receptionist counter and through the door unto the main floor. It was relatively well lit. A single light illuminated the center of the stage. The bar was empty. I took a seat in the center of the floor and continued to look around. I saw a head bobbing around in the DJ booth, so someone was in there. A moment later I heard the DJ say, "Courtney, theres a customer here". I saw a girls face peek out from behind the dressing room door.

Our eyes locked as instant recognition took place. She smiled and walked out towards me in her street clothes. She hadnt yet dressed in any of her costumes. Still, I liked her in anything she wore. "Courtney" was actually Stacy. I had known Stacy through her high school years as we played together in the same community band group. She had graduated from high school earlier this summer, and the band hadnt played together since July 4th. I usually dont have a thing for the local girl types as they can be a bit pretend, but I had always liked Stacy, and kept it to myself as I was twice her age. Stacy stood right at five feet with a petite frame, a face that reminded me of Shiri Appleby, and a set of large boobs that definitely didnt look like they belonged on someone her size. "Hi" she said sitting down next to me. "You caught me by surprise, no one usually comes in before noon. So we sit in the back, play cards or watch T.V." We made small talk about the band, her upcoming year in college, and her family. Finally, I had to break the ice as I was trying to figure out why a girl from a well to do family was working in the cabaret. "So, why are you working here?" I as... Læs hele novellen

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