After school

After school

"Come on in, Peter," Laura Rogers said with a big smile, "how was school today, dear!?!" "Pretty good, Mrs. Rogers," the eighteen year old replied quickly, "but I was so excited about our session, my mind wasnt really on my studies!!!" "How sweet of you to say that," Laura answered while kissing the young lad on the cheek, "now be a good boy and show me your penis!!!" Hurriedly Peter unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans and boxer shorts down around is ankles, letting his semi hard penis bounce free from its cotton prison!!! "My, my, "Peter," Laura Rogers whispered in a very husky voice, "you have a beautiful pecker, I could just suck you for hours!!!" "Thank you maam," the young man said thickly as the fifty year old matron gently stroked his rapidly expanding erection, "a-are you really gonna suck me!?!" "Do you want me to suck you," she asked softly as a drop of precum hung from the end of his big hard pecker!?! "Oh yes, please," he moaned, "I feel like Im going to burst!!!"

While still masturbating him softly she asked, "Tell me, Peter, how often do you masturbate, Im sure that a hard young cock like this needs and awful lot of attention!?!" "Oh, yes," he moaned, "I-I do it at least twice a day, in the morning before school and at night after I go to bed!!!" "Mmmmm, that sounds so sexy," she sighed while fisting his big head, "what do you think about when youre jerking your big cock!?!" "Uh, I usually think about a girl at school," he replied softly!?!" "Which one, dear, whats her name." Laura asked!?! "Becky Gaines," he managed to moan, "s-shes incredibly beautiful!!!" "Have you ever taken her out," Laura asked?!? "Oh, no," he answered quickly, "shed never go out with me!?!" "Why not," Laura asked, "Im sure if she ever saw your big cock shes just fall in love with you!!!" "I-I dont know about that," he stammered, "shes awful stuck on herself!!!" "Do you know what shed do if she were here right now," Laura asked softly?!? "No," he gasped, "what would she d... Læs hele novellen

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