Amazing dream

Amazing dream

Jack walked the path to his next door neighbors house. Matt waved him over for some evening dessert. Matt, an aspiring chef, just made a batch of fresh strawberry shortcakes. Jack entered the house of Matt and Jesse, a 30-something couple like himself. Theyve been friends for a few years, so a quick knock was all he needed to set foot in.

"Hey, its me," Jack announced. Jesse sat at the table set with giant strawberry shortcakes. Her face lit up in a big smile to her guest.

"Hi. Ready for dessert, Jack?"

Jack glanced over her shiny auburn hair and perky little body sitting there posing at the table. "Dessert, yeah," his mind often wondered in her presence. Deep staring eyes will do that to a man.

"Is Tina coming over?" Matt asked from the kitchen about Jacks wife.

"No, shes tired and about ready to konk out." Tina was an early riser, and often drowsed off to sleep by late evening.

The three sat down to tackle the sweet shortcakes. Jack sat next to Jesse as he always does, and the two took over the chit-chat conversation. Unknown to the world of man, chicks must eat sweets by ripping it apart with their fingers and sliding their plump lips over each bite. Jesse was no different. Bite after bite, she half sucked in each strawberry through her lips that were moist with whipped cream and syrupy red juice. Matt, quiet in his own world, ate his dessert with the critical eye of a pastry judge scoring a competition. He paid no mind to his wifes whipped cream smeared face. Jack paid no mind to Matts presence, but watched every move of Jesses little show.

Finger eating and giggling will always make a mess. Somehow, Jesse managed to get a small dollop of cream on the end of her nose. Jack reached over and with his forefinger scooped up the whipped cream.

"Look what you done. I cant take you anywhere," Jack teased.

"I was saving that for later." Jesse grabbed Jacks hand and licked the cream off his knuckle. Jack skipped a heartbeat, Matt noticed nothin... Læs hele novellen

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