Anal fisting

Anal fisting

It was one of those cold, lazy days where there was nothing to do. Neither got up and dressed; there was nowhere to go. No place they had to be. No one they had to account to. In other words, the perfect day for those who refuse to get bored.

They sat at the computer to surf the net. They’d been experimenting in the bedroom lately, and she was trying to figure out the best way to clean her asshole so it would stay fairly sanitary while he pounded away at her from behind. He typed in Anal Cleanliness and they started cruising the sites. Some of them were fairly amusing, like "10 ways to get her to NOT have anal sex." (#8 Tell her her pussy’s so sloppy, you’re looking for a tighter fit.) Other anal sites were obviously for gay boys, but she put a lot of stock into what a gay man would say about getting properly fucked in the ass.

They read for awhile, laughed at a few, even looked at a couple of pictures. No great information that they hadn’t already thought of on their own, but then, they both considered themselves to be fairly literate when it came to sexual tricks and techniques, and sanitary precautions were always taken because no one wanted to get that infection; it would close The Playground for a week.

He went back to Yahoo! to type in one more phrase: Anal Fisting. Oh my! This was freaky, an interesting turn of events. She wasn’t sure she needed to have his whole hand inside of her, but she was game to just about anything. They browsed some more, discussed a couple of the pictures. They didn’t look too hazardous, well except for the one over-achiever who let both sex partners shove their hands in together. They kicked through the pictures, decided to not link into alternative fetish sites. One woman raved about fisting, said it rocked her world, and be sure to use KY.

Enough already. He stood up, said, "I’m in the mood for some fisting." He pumped out his chest and trekked off to the bedroom.

"Hmm," she thought, following him. She felt so naive... Læs hele novellen

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