

Cade drove into the parking lot. It was about 9:30pm, and it was just starting to get dark. The party started at like 10pm, so he wasn’t really in a big rush. He walked up the driveway and across the lawn, kicking a few ornaments as he went along. As he started to get closer to the house, he smiled with thoughts of ramming his dick into some hot young drunk bitch.

He walked into the house like hed been there a million times, and went and looked around. There were already like 15-20 people standing around drinking random alcoholic drinks. He kept an eye out for any hot little chicks, but all he could find were the cheap little party whores that he was so used to seeing. Finally he scooped a beer from the fridge and went and sat on the couch to watch some TV. .

Time flew by and it hit about 10:30, now the party was booming. People still flooding in through the door, some drunk or high already, just looking for people to chill with. He still couldn’t find any fresh meat to sedate his hunger. After about 20 more minutes, the arrivals started to calm down and people started to get really trashed. He found one or two targets to feast on, but they were last resorts. He wanted something tight...preferably a virgin...he wanted fresh this time.

Almost as if godsend, he saw her. She was standing by one of the closets with a drink in hand, slowly sipping at it. He could tell that she was new and never had done this before. She was short with a nice rack and a tight little waist, accompanied by Long Red Hair and a full set of green eyes. His dick jumped with the thought of her little lips wrapped around his enlarged member. He knew it was now or never to put on the moves.

Cade walked over and smiled at the girl. She smiled back innocently, looking nervous, but at the same time curios. He reached out his hand a put it on her shoulder and leaned towards her and spoke into her ear. "Hey there, names Cade, nice to meet you", he spoke with a kind tone hiding his true ... Læs hele novellen

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Hotwife 22, 22

Jeg er en hotwife på 22 år, som kan lide at skrive noveller. Jeg vil gerne inspireres af en moden Bull til min nye novelle. Skriv til mig....

Bitch26, 27

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Pattiyarat, 27

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