

She felt a certain excitement - having gotten a note from James. At first she had thought that he had forgotten her birthday - but instead in the note, with the dozen red roses, was a command to "dress fancy" and meet him for dinner at a fancy downtown hotel. She had been preoccupied recentlywith worries about the relationship. Some of the passion and spark seemed to be dwindling but tonight, as she bathed and dressed, she felt better. "God" she said to herself, "I am going to fuck his brains out." Just the thought gave her a little tingle.

As she left she had to admit that even at 37 she was turning heads. Soft, full brown hair cascaded over slim shoulders - their slimness accentuating the full firmness of her breasts. "If people only knew how sensitive my nipples are" she thought to herself and let the thought go consciously to her nipples and she shuddered slightly as they rubbed against the satin material. A nice touch she thought to herself - to go with neither panties or bra under her fancy black, but very clingy, cocktail dress.

The Crescent was mostly a business travel, expense account hotel and on this Saturday night was largely deserted. Ilisa had purposefully arrived early - she wanted a drink to let the anticipation mount. She sat at the bar in the open atrium, ordered a vodka tonic and sat back to admire her surroundings. She could see the sun setting through the glass ceiling - streaks of orange softly painting pastels above. A rich, lustruous piano filled the open lobby with soft, but almost melancholy melodies - which sounded even more forlorn as there were almost no other sounds.

As the drink began to take effect and she let the stress of the day melt away - all the cares of errands and housework and children slipped into the non- existent past - after all what good are grandmas except for times like these. I am going to enjoy myself she thought and let her mind picture her husband from their early days. She remembered when he was shy a... Læs hele novellen

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