Blowing the boss

Blowing the boss

I was 19, flunking out of college & getting wasted every night, when I got the job at the supermarket. I worked as a night stocker, going in after the store closed and working till morning. After work, a few of us would head down to Chiefs, a bar down the road that served beer early, and down a few. Then Id walk back to my apartment, totally toasted, while the rest of the world went to work.

My boss,Tom, would come with us and drink up. He was a florid man, in his forties, with a little pot belly from all the morning afters. Hed talk up a storm & roar with laughter with other members of the crew. I was more timid and just sat there drinking my beers.

One day Tom & I were leaving at the same time and I walked with him a bit, as we both lived in the same general direction. He asked if I had ever been to a strip club before, which I hadnt. He knew of a place down the road where he could get me in if I liked. I looked young for my age, like I was in high school, so I had always been carded at the other couple of strip joints I had been to. It was exciting to think that I could actually get in to one and see what went on. We were both off that night so we decided to head over when we got up.

We met up at the store that night and walked down to the titty bar, getting in with ease. I was nervous as usual, kind of hiding back in my chair, figuring I would get tossed out at any second, but Toms light heartedness kept me at ease along with 10 or so beers. The girls werent terribly attractive, but they were gryating and being all slutty so it was still kind of hot.

One time Tom was getting up to tip the dancer and he "accidentally" slipped and his hand fell into my lap. I was hard, as much from the atmosphere as the dancers, and he grabbed right on my cock to keep his balance. He blushed and quickly moved up to the stage to tip the dancer. It felt like his hand had left an imprint on my dick and I was harder than I could ever remember. I stopped looking at the ... Læs hele novellen

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