Body chemistry

Body chemistry

They say High School friendships can mean so much later in life. I was about to have a friendship with my Chemistry Teacher that would introduce me to a swingers paradise and I owed it all to my mother! Mr. Alan, my mother and I were all heading toward a series of sexual interludes that would turn our little quiet community into a rollercoaster of lust and group sex.

How did it ever come to this! It was the worst day of my life. My reputation was ruined and worse yet, by a close friend. "How does it feel to know youre the famous Waterman High punchboard you little slut?" The words were still ringing in my ears and stinging my heart. How could Brenda say that to me... Brenda of all people! She had been one of my closest friends since Middle School. I had my head down in shame as I entered the front door of my home. I sat my books on the phone stand in the entry hall and was blowing my nose as I turned and looked into living room. Thats when I noticed all the ladies in moms Bridge Club sitting around their cloth covered card-tables playing cards. As mom saw me she said, "Hi, honey, come in and show the girls your new Drill Team Uniform." I couldnt maintain my composure. Turning away, I bounded up the stairs to my room and slammed the door. Throwing myself onto my bed I put my face in the pillow and really began to bawl. I hadnt cried like this since daddys funeral last June. Wouldnt daddy be proud of his Little Peanut now?" At Daddys memory, I began sobbing uncontrollably.

"Lynn whats the matter honey? Are you ok?"

I could barely get the answer out. "No, mom. Im not ok. I just need to get it out of my system. I just want to be alone for a while. Ill talk to you after everybodys gone."

Mom left and returned to her friends and I rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. As my tears began drying, I felt maybe I could get control of my emotions. Calming down, I began to think about what had transpired at school between Brenda and I. The more I thought about ... Læs hele novellen

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13/12 2023

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Er her kun for at læse. Måske 😉 Men er du petit og sulten så kan du fange min interesse 🍆

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