Britney & madonna - the aftermath

Britney & madonna - the aftermath

The kiss heard around the world has just aired Live on MTV. The performance concluded, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Madonna- all sweaty and excited after their well-received stunt on the stage- walk offstage after the blackout. Madonna, the veteran of the 3, calms down very quickly as they all walk through the cluttered backstage of the theater. Pools of other celebrities and MTV employees give the 3 ladies congratulations on a job well done. As they reach the hallway to their dressing rooms, Madonna stays behind- to chat with Courtney Love.

Christina and Britney exchange no words, but split up into their separate rooms, side by side. Britney enters her room, closes the door, and goes straight for the make-up counter. Peering into the window with a sigh, she pulls a Kleenex from a box and uses it to wipe the perspiration from the top of her chest and her neck.

Many thoughts were reaching through her mind: How will the public respond to that? Was it a good idea? And...Why did it feel so incredibly good? Leaning forward while standing, placing her hands on the counter, and still looking at her reflection, Britney could feel the arousal still tingling inside her. Madonnas lips felt amazing pressed against her. The warm, moist breath they shared between their mouths was a tease so strong that Britney had been tempted to slip her the tongue.

And...could it be? No, she mustve been imagining it. But she could swear that, as they pulled away, Madonnas eyes told a story of deep desire. Britneys mind was dazzled by the idea, but tried to shrug it off as a mere misinterpretation. But what was strangest of all was...if Madonna did indeed express a desire for her, Britney wasnt entirely sure what her response would be. It was suddenly very temp...



Startled out of her thoughts, Britney turns her head to the door. "Who is it?"

And then, with a tone of confidence and experience that could only come from Madonna, "Me."

Britney felt her ... Læs hele novellen

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