

Suzette was totally unaware of the seething hunk of man standing on his patio, the one above hers, she was sitting in a corner of hers, happily puffing away on a joint, enjoying the waves of relaxation that washed over her.

It was a very warm June Friday evening and she was beginning the weekend the best way she knew how when she was alone.....shed get high, put something sexy on and watch one of the movies shed brought home from the video store. Have some of her favourite toys nearby and let things go from there.

Meanwhile seething hunk of man is in the direct line of clouds of smoke he recognizes as pot, he grinds his teeth together and has half a mind to yell down at her that she is committing a crime and hed prefer it if she stopped.

Before hes thought better of it he leans over and speaks to her feet and tells her those exact words.

She giggles wildly and responds.....or else?

I might just have to go down there and arrest you myself, either that or give you the spanking you deserve. To which she guffaws and snorts and giggles.

Being an athletic chap he vaults onto her patio from above, she shrieks mid giggle and tries to make a run for it but he catches her around the waist and hauls her against his chest, her ass nestling against his growing interest.

She pretends to be afraid but he feels the movement of her hips, as they press into him, very subtly but he feels sensuality there.

He whispers in her ear that he would prefer to administer the punishment inside and pushes her towards the patio door, she hesitates but he encircles her breast with his hand and flicks the nub that is protruding through her clothing, she moans and moves forward and he feels the tremor that courses through her.

He turns her around and takes his time in taking inventory of the woman, hes surprised that shes not as young as he thought she would be, shes in her mid forties. A fuller figured woman than usually appealed to him, but she had that aura of sensual... Læs hele novellen

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Jeg er en hotwife på 22 år, som kan lide at skrive noveller. Jeg vil gerne inspireres af en moden Bull til min nye novelle. Skriv til mig....

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