Caramel & honey

Caramel & honey

Ricky sat at his little, Parisian-style table on his first floor terrace sipping at a cool beer and ostensibly reading Time magazine. It was one of the first really warm days of the beginning of summer. Hed be fifty soon and was wondering what sort of present he could afford to give himself. Looking down at the two teenage girls, sunbathing on the communal lawn he knew what he would like to have.

The one with the long, soft, golden curls probably had an Algerian father and a redheaded mother. She had delicious freckled, honey skin, big, green eyes, pouting lips and beautiful little titties, pert under the skinny tank top that showed inches of her perfectly flat belly as she stretched, leaning back on her hands. He tapped his own belly remembering, or trying to, when it also used to be flat. The tight shorts she was wearing actually outlined the lips of her sex or so he imagined. He put his glasses on just to check and wasnt disappointed. There was something feline in the way she stretched her long neck allowing the suns warm caress to touch every part of her face.

"What a gorgeous, lazy basker she is," Ricky punned.

The other girl was the colour of dark, burnt caramel with perfect features - long plaits swayed around her sculptured face, she had a small nose, almost oriental eyes and the sort of lips you could spend hours kissing and then send off on a long exploration of your body. She was wearing a short summer dress that she kept pulling down as it rode up to that beautiful, hard, round bottom each time she moved. He had already had a glimpse of her white panties, thick black pubes bustling. And when she turned over he saw that her high, well-developed, African breasts were just as firm as her ass, huge nipples...

It wasnt surprising that Ricky wasnt really able to concentrate on the magazine, especially as he could hear practically everything the two nymphets were saying.

He had a raging hard on and was wondering about the definition of Dirty Ol... Læs hele novellen

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