Charles & persia

Charles & persia

I lived in a small familly. I had one sister, a divorced mother, and two cats. I had a really close relationship with my sister, we shared a lot of things. We both knew we had a high sex drive. We would often perform oral sex to keep each satisfied. We also both knew we liked bestiality, but we didnt have a dog to try it. We always wanted to try it. It wasnt until we realized our two cats could help.

Persia and Charles were the two cats we owned. Persia was a female, and Charles was a male. We never got them neutered so they were always horny. We tried to keep Charles from Persia, but he could smell her pussy a mile away. Charles would get these little erections that we both laughed at. Persia would fall in front of you and raise her ass in the air. They were very horny.

It was one hot summer night that it happened. Our mother left for a Yoga class, and we were getting comfortable. We were both horny so we thought about oral sex. In the middle of the conversation, Persia ran through the room with Charles chasing after her. My sister quickly eyed his erection, and said "Maybe we could have a little fun with the cats."

We got up, and brought the cats back into the room. I was holding Persia, and she was holding Charles. Charles was trying to bounce out of her lap. She could hardly get him to calm down until she touched his penis. As soon as she did, he turned to look at her.

"You just want a little attention dont you."

She took her hand and started to massage Charles balls. She used her other hand to massage the cats slimy penis. This got me so turned on, I looked at Persia. She raised her ass at me again; so I took a deep sniff. Pussy always did smell so good. She kept her ass up while moving her tail. I licked one of my finger, and slid it into her cunt. She was very tight, and wet. As I pulled my finger in and out, she started purring. I pulled my wet finger out of her pussy. I began to unzip my pants, I already had an erection. I got on my knees, an... Læs hele novellen

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