Costume party- mask’s mandatory

Costume party- mask’s mandatory

I had been planning this event for more than six months. I wanted it to be a time to remember. My lady and I had just settled into our suite in Las Vegas. We were hungry from the long flight, and decided to order up room service. It arrived in relatively quick time; we both seemed to be licking our lips as the bellhop spread out the food onto the dining table.

As we were enjoying our meal, Cheryl spotted a large colorful card next to the flowers that were in the center of the table. What is this she gasped, reaching for it and looking at me as if I knew what it was. “What does it say Baby? Read it.”

“It’s and invitation of some kind.” She opened it up and began to read:

Congratulations. You along with only a few other Guests are invited to a private costume Halloween Event tonight. You do not want to miss this once in a lifetime offer. We hope to see you.

Where VIPs ballroom

Time: 8Pm - ?

RSVP. 555-2267 Ex 8778

If you would like more information. Please dial the ext number and Elvira will gladly assist with all the details. If you decide not to attend please discard the card. Offer only applies to the two of you.

“We’ll I am curious,” said Cheryl. “I am not going to miss this.”

She got up and headed to the phone. “Baby,” I said as I cut her off, “why don’t you go get in that huge bathtub and let me RSVP. I will come and fill you in as soon as I hang up.”

I picked up the phone and gave her ass a soft swat as she headed toward the other room. I then dialed the number and spoke with Elvira, soon as I heard the bath water running. I then asked if every thing was in place like I had planned. I told her to send up our costumes along with the two people I hired to do the hair and make-up in about a half hour.

I fixed us a couple of Margaritas from the bar, making them good and strong to get things going. Then I went into the bathroom, handed one to Cheryl and set... Læs hele novellen

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