Daddys Darling

Daddys Darling

When I was born, my father had been put in jail for armed robbery, and my mother, then 23, met my daddy, then 20, when I was only about 2. Though he wasnt my real father, I had always thought of him that way, and he was the only daddy I knew. I was just about 12 when my mom walked out on daddy and me. She left one summer to go live in the city. Said she couldnt handle living such a small life. Daddy and I never heard from her again. I didnt mind too much, my mom had always been depressed, and I loved my daddy. We lived in a small ranch in Nebraska. Daddy raised and sold cattle. We had about 10 farmhands that stayed at the ranch during the week, but other than that it was just me and daddy.

Daddy and I had always been close; he had taught me everything I knew. There wasnt another school for about 20 miles, and instead of taking the long hot bus ride into town, I was home schooled. Occasionally we got together with some of the other kids on nearby ranches, but as I got older, I really just stayed at home.

The day before my 18th birthday, I was so excited. I would finally be an adult! Not that I thought too many things would change, but still, what a great age to be. That night, over dinner daddy seemed pretty excited also. Going on to all the men that worked for him how his pretty little girl would be a woman, and so on. I just sat there blushing, as I could feel constant eyes looking me over.

I was well-developed, even for my age. My hair was long, and red, my skin tan from spending so much time out on the ranch. My legs were strong from endless days of horseback riding. Id inherited my large breasts from my mother, and I think my daddy had noticed. I thought about how lonely he must be out here all the time, but than my attention turned to the clock as my daddy told me it was past my bed time.

"But, dad!" I protested. "No darlin, youre not 18 yet, and your bedtime is still 10 oclock." "Okay daddy..." I sighed, and jumped up from t... Læs hele novellen

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