Down for twenty

Down for twenty

Ben Walsh stared out the window just wishing the damn clock would run a little faster! Less than fifteen minutes away from a three day weekend! The sun was out and it was the first warm day of the spring, at least seventy degrees by mid afternoon. Ben glanced again at the slow moving clock on the wall as old man Goldstein rambled on about the Trojan Wars. “This is a topic that will certainly come up in conversation,” Ben said to himself while shifting uneasily in his seat. His mind was about as far away from world history as you could get when there was a soft knock on the class room door that brought him back to reality. One of the hall monitors walked over to Mr. Goldstein’s desk and dropped off a small envelope with some letters printed across the front. As the teacher continued his lecture he picked up the letter and much to Ben’s surprised walked over to his desk an handed the sealed envelope to him. His name was printed in large capital letters just below the return address of Principal Judith Ivy. “Oh, christ!” he muttered under his breath. “What the heck does that old biddy want with me?!?” He waited a few moments for to make sure no one was paying any attention before casually slitting open the end with his pencil. He slipped out the single folded paper and much to his chagrin read, “Mr. Walsh, please stop by my office right after your last period class and please, don’t be late.” Signed, Mz. Ivy, Principal. He stared at the hand written note for several moments before finally sliding it into his note book whereupon he glumly waited for the class to end.

“I just received this note from Mz. Ivy,” the eighteen year old said to the principal’s secretary while sliding it towards her. “I’ll tell her that you’re here,” the middle aged woman replied. Ben nervously shifted his weight from foot to while waiting for secretary to return from the rear of the office. He was about ready to head for the hills when the smiling woman suddenly appeared and offered, “Follo... Læs hele novellen

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