

The hurt always seemed to be just below the surface, ready to be torn open with even the most innocent of comments. She remembers as if it were just yesterday, her high school days, the snide remarks by her "friends", the cruel barbs that left permanent scars! She especially thought of those days when she was performing her thrice a week chore of shaving her legs! Along with her beautiful olive skin, the slightly drooping heavy breasts, the flat tummy, and plush ass, came the "curse" of incredibly thick black hair! Now if it were only confined to the top of her head, and she did possess a mane of long thick tresses, she would have been more than happy with her appearance, unfortunately, that was not the case, as black fur seemed to sprout a will over a large portion of her body!!! From her waist down, it was a constant battle to control the unbelievably thick growth of unwanted hair!!! Even though she shaved her legs three times a week, by the end of the first day, a hard stubble already could be seen with the naked eye, and if she went a week without using a razor, from across the room you could barely see her skin!!! That wasnt even the worst of it, because her pussy was so thick with hair, you couldnt even see her vaginal lips unless you physically spread then with your fingers!!! Even her tummy wasnt immune, as a trail of dark hair ran from her cunt all the way up to her naval!!! It was so embarrassing, that all the way through college, her dates always ended with just a good night kiss or maybe a little petting in the back seat of a car, but never would she allow a man to see what she had hiding under her skirt, that was until now........................

"Got your cabin ready, Miss Pappas, same one as last year," Mrs. Ives said cheerily, "hope the weathers better though, if I recall it rained every day you were here last time!!!" "Thanks, but the rain didnt really bother me," Faye Pappas replied, "I really come up here just to get away from the city and for ... Læs hele novellen

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