Football widow

Football widow

"Im just sick of it," Terri said after taking a sip of her coffee, "the stupid season just started and Chuck is already ignoring me completely on Saturday and Sunday, and I think its hopeless, hes never gonna change!!!" "I hear ya," Valerie replied, "Brad spent all weekend glued to the TV watching wall to wall football, and whats worse, those idiotic pre game show now are about as long as the games themselves, and then dont lets forget Monday night, crimony, thats the holy grail of football, we wouldnt wanna miss that, would we!?!" While shaking her head in agreement, Terri offered, "Chuck bets ten lousy bucks on a game and youd think we had the whole house riding on it, all that screaming and yelling, I think theyre all nuts, I just wish there was a way we could pry them away from the tube even for just a few hours!!!" Valerie took a drink of her coffee, and after a few moments reflection replied, "Maybe we can, girl, maybe we can!!!"

The following Sunday afternoon just after the kickoff........ "Brad," Valerie called from her dressing room, "can you come in here and help me for a minute!?!" "What was that, babe," he called from the den, "I cant hear ya, the game just started!!!" Raising her voice a little louder she repeated, "Could you please come in here and help me for a moment!?!" "Awww, Val," he yelled, "cant ya wait til half time, weve already got the ball on their thirty seven yard line!?!" Finally losing her temper, Valerie shouted, "Bradley Decker you get in her this instant, Im tired of screaming back and forth, do you understand me!?!" After rolling his eyes and hopping out of his easy chair, he waited until the next play was run, a screen pass for fifteen yards, thank you, and then ambled into the dressing room and said, "Lets make it snappy, babe, were within field goal range and I dont wanna miss anything, okay!?!" Sitting at her dressing table in just her bra and panties, Valerie casually ran a brush through her long blonde hair, feigning any in... Læs hele novellen

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