For my lover

For my lover

This is a story told to me by my lover that I have embelleshed for his pleasure. I hope he finds it and enjoys it so please everyone dont pick it apart as it is my first attempt.

I looked across the room and could not believe the gorgeous hunk of man standing there.After all these years I was back in my home town where I had just bought myself a little house. and one of the first people I see is my nephew. I have not seen him since he was a young teen,a sweet gangly horny kid. The last time I saw him I was babysitting him and his sisters for the weekend while his parents were out of town. I remember laying in bed reading a magazine when he came in and asked me some inane question .I was in my nightie and I know my tits were half showing but you know I was only about 20 then and didnt think anything of it . I could see him trying to sneak peeks and I saw some movement under his pj bottoms.I knew he had an active imagination and I knew he would have loved it if I had of exposed more of myself to him. In fact I know he wished I would invite him in my bed and show him the ropes.I almost did but I knew my older sister [his mom] would definetly not approve so I let him look for a couple of minutes and then sent him off to his room. I went down the hall to the bathroom a few minutes later and sure enough when I opened his door a crack I could see him jacking off.I almost went in to help him out poor kid but thought better of it.

Now here he was in the flesh and not a kid anymore. God was he beautiful now that he was all grown up. Broad muscular body green eyes and sexiness just oozing out of him.He was covered with beautiful silky hair Physically he was perfect for me and I knew at that second I had to have him and I would before the day was over.I went over and gave him a big hug hello and could feel his body immediately respond in a very big way.We chatted for a bit and as I was heading off to talk to his sister I said "you know I have a couple of things... Læs hele novellen

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