Getting back at nadia

Getting back at nadia

That was it. The last straw. Nadia had pissed me off for the last time and I was going to let her know it. I had to forcibly unclench my jaw and I picked up the phone and dialed the number my friend had give me a few days ago. I had been telling him how much Nadia pissed me off and he jokingly wrote down a phone number and told me it was immigration and I should get her deported. I flipped my long brown hair out of my eyes as I waited patiently as six rings went by. Finally someone answered. "Hello this is the INS main office how my I help you?" the female voice came across in that fake chipper secretary voice. "Id like to report and illegal alien please," I replied and then waited while she switched me to the correct person. "This is Mr. Jones, I understand you have and alien to report. May I have your name please?" Mr. Jones had one of those agent style voices, deep and cryptic. "My name is Rafe....and thats all. Just Rafe," I replied. "Ok then just Rafe, tell me what you know," Jones said after a second. "Its a girl named Nadia Saleh, shes an illegal alien living at 475 Crescent road in Abner," I told him. "Thank you just Rafe, we will investigate, and if your claim proves to be true you will be thanked by the government," Mr. Jones.

After about a minute he said in a hushed tone, "We will be going to her house on the 15th of July." Then he hung up abruptly. I took a moment to wonder why he had told me that but then decided that I didnt care. It was only the seventh and I was damn near giddy with excitement. Nadia the bitch would finally be out of my life forever. I decided to take a trip to the mall and treat myself with a videogame that I had been wanting for a while now. I got in my car and about thirty minutes later I found a primo spot right near the front of the lot. I walked slowly throug the mall enjoying the air conditioning of the building after being in my car for so long with its busted air conditioner.

I eventually made my way around to th... Læs hele novellen

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