

The scene fades in as you drive along the endless dark ribbon of highway in front of you. You and a friend have decided to go out of town for just some fun away from all the pressures and people you know. Things have been pretty stressful lately as work and everyone keeps adding more and more chaos to both your lives.

You have been driving for a few hours just chatting about anything and everything that come into your minds. All of a sudden some where in the conversation the topic of what you both used to do for fun has come up. Your friend tells you that he used to go spooking for fun and that it was a riot most of the time. You ask what spooking means. He goes into detail telling you about going into graveyard old houses and scary places just to look around and how most of the time it was just an adrenaline rush.

As time flies by with the chatting. The chilly night air races along with the quickening blackness of the approaching midnight sky. Neither of you has seen or heard a sound but the rumble of the engine and the stars and moon that shines ever so brightly on this night. The only other thing of interest that you both have seen are some of the local road sign billboards that are doing the advertising for the local tourist traps and special historical sites as you pass them by.

Even though it is late your friend is not sleepy, but you are getting still and beginning to nod behind the wheel. Just then a road sign of special interest pops into view for your friend. And he gets an idea for you both. He tells you it will wake and excite you. As he reads the billboard ahead. “Civil war cemetery and memorial just ahead 5 miles. He really has to persuade you for a while before you agree to do this at this late hour so far from home. Just as you both agree you see the sign for the cemetery “next exit”. You turn and you can feel the excitement rising as you head off to your new adventure. Off the expressway now to a narrower two lane road. It is smooth for... Læs hele novellen

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