

You’re the one in the shower, but I’m the one soaking wet! I’m trying my best to be patient, but I don’t think I can wait for the water to stop! Closing my eyes and imagining the mingling water & soap cascading over your regal head, flowing down your sinuous neck, and over strong broad shoulders, running down the channel of your spine descending over your tight waist, firm athletic ass then between your powerful thighs and finally on down your muscular calves to your perfect toes. I open my eyes and try to find some distraction from these thoughts simultaneously hoping to convince myself that at any second the water will go off and you’ll be standing in front of me with water glistening on your body like iridescent jewels permitting me to dry you off with my tongue. But, just my luck it seems like you’re prepared to take an extra long shower tonight.

I turn on the radio, to find disappointedly nothing but slow jams playing. All of which are so sexual I have to stop listening. At this time of night, every radio station assumes the lovers in every city are all wrapped up tight in each others arms, “baby making”. Casually I pick up a novel flipping to a random page which coincidentally is the first of several pages of a steamy love scene in explicit detail. After skimming a few lewd lines I have to put the book down in a hurry before I begin to touch myself. That’s enough of that! Moving right along! I turn on the TV, surfing through commercial after inane commercial looking for anything to take my mind off of my inflamed pussy, thinking perhaps the history channel is “safe” it should be neutral territory, but within seconds a dark screen and a forbidding disclaimer “advising viewer discretion” appears followed by the program title “The history of sex” across the screen. Disbelieving my misfortune I turn off the TV and begin to put down the remote dejectedly but not before taking a second (or two) to evaluate its size, shape and possible merit as a tool to ... Læs hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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Jeg er ny i alt det her novelle skrivning - lurer bare rundt

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Jeg er en hotwife på 22 år, som kan lide at skrive noveller. Jeg vil gerne inspireres af en moden Bull til min nye novelle. Skriv til mig....

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