His own

His own

"Thank you for such a wonderful evening," Kimberly Knight said to her hostess and friend Ruth Pedersen, "lets do it again real soon, all right!!!" Ben Knight stood quietly behind his wife while she gave the proper thank yous, but once they were in the car and on their way home, her cheery outward appearance immediately turned nasty!!! "Cant you do anything right," she snapped, "its like Im raising a five year old boy!!!" "I-Im sorry, dear," he mumbled while not at all sure what he had done wrong!!! "Youre such a sniveling simp," she snapped, "the lights green, you can go now!!!" "Jesus, she can be such a bitch," he thought to himself while pulling through the intersection, "only god in heaven knows what Ive done, and hed better stay out of her way or hed be in trouble too!!!

The car was barely stopped when Kimberly stomped into the house and slammed the door behind her, leaving Ben alone trying to figure out what had set her off, but when he couldnt even come up with a hint of and idea, he sighed deeply and headed into the kitchen!!! He was just about to open the refrigerator door to get a snack when a voice that could cut glass rang out ordering him to come up stairs this instant!!! He hesitated for a moment, thinking that hed get his eats first, but that didnt seem like the prudent thing to do, so he reluctantly trudged up the steps to their bedroom on the second floor!!! "What too you so long," she snapped, "Ive been waiting up here for hours, now get your ass over here and unzip my dress!!!" Quickly he traversed the twenty feet over to her dressing table, and as she stared at him coldly in the mirror, he gently tugged the zipper down her back until it came to a stop just above her ass!!! "How was that," he asked brightly!?! "Oh thats just wonderful, Ben," she remarked snidely, "youre so fucking talented, you can actually unzip a dress without someone having to help you, what a prize youve turned out to be!!!" He started to protest, but the look on her face tol... Læs hele novellen

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