Home gym

Home gym

"You dont mind working out at my place tonight, do you," asked Frank? "No, thats no problem," Denny replied, "as long as I get my reps in, I really dont care where I do it!" "Good," Frank said, "then lets get to it!" Both men were serious weight lifters who spent much more time and energy working out than the average ever "joe" would, and it wouldnt be unusual for either of them to spend four hours a night lifting and pulling the iron plates that gave them the heavily muscled appearance they so loved! Frank had invested big money into a home gym and this was the first time his friend Denny had seen it. "Wow," he marveled, "this is great, you dont even hafta leave home to get in your workout!!!" "I know," Frank said beaming, while running his hand over the huge apparatus, "it cost me four grand, but its worth it, no more running back and forth to the gym!!!" "You first," Frank offered, "benches?!?" "Yeah, benches, set it at one seventy to start," Denny replied! While Frank was adjusting the machine to one hundred and seventy pounds, Denny lay down on his back and got ready to do a set of bench presses. When he was finished, they traded places and Frank took his turn while Denny spotted for him. After that, they went through a long series of lifts, alternating back and forth between lifting and spotting. After a particularly rough set of squats, both men decided to take a breather and have a drink of a sport drink. "Wow its hot in here," Denny commented, as he took a long gulp from the bottle!!! "Yeah, it is," Frank replied, "do you want me to open the windows a little!?!" "Naw," Denny shot back, "I always feel like Im doing more when I build up a sweat, dont you?!?" "Yeah, I do too," Frank answered back, "my muscles always look better when theyre gleaming from sweat!!!" "Hey," Denny asked, "do ya have a posing mirror, Id kinda like to see what I look like?!?" "Right over here," Frank replied, as he pulled open a door that hid a full length mirror ideal for muscle pos... Læs hele novellen

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