

David Jay was beside himself with anticipation!!! He had been dating Betty Lou for over two years now, and now finally he had won her hand in marriage and they were on their way to Vegas for their honeymoon!!! Since both of them had had a little bit too much to drink at the reception, Betty Lou had fallen into a restful slumber while David held her small soft hand in his own and looked out the cabin window at the patchwork of farm fields thirty thousand feet below!! "How lucky can a guy get," he said to himself, "shes pretty, smart, and has a great job, what more could a guy hope for!!!" And she was too, I mean pretty and smart, because for the last two plus years, Betty Lou had kept David under her feminine spell without giving up any of her alluring secrets!!! As hard as David had tried, Betty Lou was adamant that on her wedding night she would be a virgin, and no amount of begging or pleading would make her change her mind, cuz if he didnt think she was worth waiting for, well then he could just hit the road shed wait for Mr. Right!!! In fact, except for the usual necking and petting, David hadnt even felt Betty Lous huge breasts except through her clothing, which only tended to drive him even more crazy!!! Most of their dates would end up with him kissing her good night at her front door and then making a mad dash for home where he jacked off thinking of his finacees incredible body, but now as he slipped off into his own slumber, he smiled to himself knowing all of that was about to change!!!

"Here we are, the honeymoon suite" he said while scooping her up and cradling her in his arms and carrying her across the threshold, "Mrs. David Jay, I never thought this day would come," as he kissed her softly on the mouth!!! She playfully broke away from him and squealed, "Look, honey, it even has a hot tub, and look at the view of the ocean, wow, just incredible!!!" David was impressed with both the view and the accommodations, but what he really wanted was to fina... Læs hele novellen

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