Horny mereds castle

Horny mereds castle

This is not a true story just fiction:

It all started about 20 years ago when ten school girls met for the first time (they were all in high school aged 11) the ten girls names were Sue, Sam, Sarah, Kelly, Kat, Alison, Amanda, Clare, Hailey and Rachel and since then they all went to the same college and university.

They have been friends ever since even when 5 of them got married, it was coming up to their 21 anniversary of their friendship, they decided to go to a castle in Scotland for a weekend (Friday to Monday), on the day they were going they got up at 3am for the 9 hour train journey. When they arrived in Scotland they got a minibus taxi to McRed Castle, when they got there they were met by a butler called Matt, but they were surprised that he was in his early 20s because they thought butlers were over 50 (as they saw in films) and Matt the butler showed them to their rooms and they had to share the 5 bedrooms, when he showed them where they were sleeping he said dinner will be in 2 hours.

When he left them they had started to unpack their clothes and to get freshened up when they were taking a shower there was not much hot water so they showered in pairs, when they were getting dressed they thought they would wear tight ball gown dresses showing all their curves and features as they werent wearing a bra nor panties as they were they only ones there that they will not be messed by boys. When they got downstairs matt was there with champagne for them, then he led them to the dining room where they had their own places to sit.

Matt started serving them their four course dinner then he left the room for 30 minutes, Matt had left the room so he could set up cameras in the bedrooms and he also left them presents on their bed and then he went to his little sleeping quarters to make sure the cameras were working and a full blank video and to make sure that they can show the whole room from door to window. When he got back to the dining room to clear ... Læs hele novellen

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