Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Ive always been the "good" girl of the family.... that is until I bought a computer.

I walk with my neighbor as a form of exercise, turning 40, I thought it was time to try and help my slowed metabolism. There is a new development going up across the street so that is where we chose to walk. Only a few houses were there even fewer people had moved in. I have a schedule, like most people; Get the kids off to school and the hubby off to work. Then the day is mine. I generally start my day with a cup of joe, a few cigarettes and some chat. But, one day as I was in a chat room, this one person caught my eye. His screen name was pastrytaster, amusing I thought to myself, so I started chatting with him. A little innocent chat, making a new friend, all harmless. After all his profile stated he lived in Alabama, so I was safe. Right? (Right)

Sue (who is my neighbor) and I always go walking everyday. Sue is a tall woman with legs up to her neck, with auburn hair that is shoulder length, and piercing green eyes. I found myself growing attracted to her. I have always thought myself to be bi-curious, but have never had the "opportunity” to take it to that level.

Well let me get with the story. After my morning chat with my new friend, Sue and I go walking. That particular day there was a man moving into one of the homes. Sue and I commented oh his home and wondered if he had a family. After a week of walking, we came to the conclusion that he is a bachelor. We always refer to him as our mystery man. We have never actually seen him outside of his house. He was always at home during the day, so we assumed he worked the night shift.

I continued to chat with Sam (my new friend) he was becoming an addiction to me, I found myself needing him, wanting him. We engaged in "good" chat. You know the kind, the kind that you and your best friend talk about. That’s what Sam was becoming to me, my best friend. I was thinking to myself, how can you have such an attraction to a pers... Læs hele novellen

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Pattiyarat, 27

Happy to be here. Happy to read. Happy to meet. Happy to greet.

Magnificent Beast
Magnificent Beast, 38

Jeg er ny i alt det her novelle skrivning - lurer bare rundt

Bitch26, 27

Sexistisk kvinde sjov lege, er spændt på på at læse lidt

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