Lets get ready to rumble

Lets get ready to rumble

After I recently submitted this story I recieved some well needed criticism on how I could make this story better and more polished. So after a more thorough spell check I decided to resubmit it. Please post your revieews so I can make any future stories better from the start.

Shelley woke up to the alarm clock screeching in her ear. The last thing she wanted was to have to get up at nearly six a.m. to go to the gym but she wasnt giving up on her New Years resolution the very first day! She had vowed to work out daily so she was gonna do it! She pulled her wavy blonde hair into a high ponytail and rummaged in the dresser for a pair of underwear, her pert bottom twitching from side to side. She fished out a pair of white cotton thongs and a matching cami. She pulled the cami over her 36B chest and sighed. They werent the biggest breasts in the world but at least they were perky! She slid into a pair of black skintight yoga pants and slid her feet into her sneakers. After grabbing her gym bag she hustled out the door at a little after six.

The normally bustling streets were quiet with very few people roaming round. Most New Yorkers were still snug in their beds sleeping off the effects of welcoming the new year in. But being single, Shelley had drank a cheap glass of wine and went to bed as soon as the ball had dropped. She had moved to New York only recently and still didnt know alot of people. She usually stayed at home ready trashy romance novels, like a normal young woman, and watching professional wrestling on television, like any good tomboy from the south. She had grown up in a household full of brothers. Headlocks and drop toe holds were common knowledge to her. Just let a mugger try for her and she would piledrive them, she thought with a laugh.

She swung open the gym door and smiled absently at the receptionist. The gym was nearly empty as she walked to the changing rooms. Almost two hours later she was ready to call it a day. Her legs burned f... Læs hele novellen

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