Lick to eat

Lick to eat

It was starting to get dark and children were already going door to door for trick or treat. Susan walked by a group of small kids dressed as ghost, pirates and monsters. She was on her way to see her best friend Amber to see if she wanted to go to the movies with her. Susan thought how much she liked this time of year in New England. The falling leaves were beautiful; it was brisk but not yet cold. The small town movie theater was showing horror films; Susan wanted to go to the show or at least watch scary movies on television. After all, it was Halloween and that’s the best time to watch spooky stuff.

Amber’s parents let her in and said that she was upstairs; they were in costume and were going to a party. Susan burst into her friend’s bedroom without bothering to knock and was surprised to see her in a plaid skirt and her hair was tied in a pony tail. Amber was naked from the waist up and Susan stared at her ample bosom and said, “What are you doing and why are you dressed like that?”

“Its Halloween and I think we should go trick or treat! Come on, it will be fun.”

“Don’t be silly; we are too old for that. Trick or treat is for the children.”

“Who says we are too old? We could dress like catholic school girls and look younger. Then we could come back to my place and watch horror shows and eat candy.”

“I don’t know; I don’t have a costume, what would I wear?” Susan was trying not to keep looking at her friend’s big breasts but they commanded attention.

“Don’t worry about that, I bought an outfit for you to wear. We will be a couple of school girl classmates.” Amber took the costume from the closet and threw it on the bed and told Susan to try it on. Susan felt uncomfortable changing in front of her girlfriend but took a deep breath and disrobed. She started to put the plaid skirt on but Amber stopped her saying. “No, lose the panties and bra. We are going out as naughty little school girls! Just think of all the fun we can have.”

Susan relucta... Læs hele novellen

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