Little sister

Little sister

After a few weeks of fucking my mom, I began to enjoy getting it regular. Mom would put out for me any time I wanted, which was most of the time at my age.

The only thing we had to watch out for was my little sister Debbie. She was twelve going on thirteen, but already she was a fully-grown pain in the ass! Somehow Debbie seemed to sense that something strange was going on between Mom and me, but luckily she couldnt put her finger on it. My mom did, though.

After that first day, she couldnt keep her hands off it! Every chance we got, we fucked up a storm... in the kitchen... in the bedroom... in the shower... even in the pool once, but only when Debbie was out of the house. To me, my little sister was just a nosy little kid who got in the way of having sex with Mom.

So all in all, I didnt pay much attention to her. Then, when she turned thirteen, Debbie started going to the same high school as me and sort of got in my view every now and then. Some of the guys would come around sniffin out about my sister, wanting to know how old she was, and did she ever fool around, and that kind of stuff.

Well, naturally Id growl and make mean noises and then go sniffing after their sisters. It wasnt that I was all that protective about Deb. It was just that I couldnt imagine anybody wanting to do anything like that with such a little brat. I mean, she was a real little snot, you know. Whenever she was home, she never let Mom and I out of her sight for a moment. She didnt know what was going on, but she was definitely jealous of the way Mom and I reacted around each other. In hindsight, you could hardly blame her really.

So thats the way things were for a couple of months. My little sister was just a kind of noise that lived in one end of our house. Then one night I got the midnight munchies real bad. I hadnt fucked Mom for a few days, so I was kinda restless and decided to go downstairs and pig-out on some leftover chicken. I thought everybody was asleep, or shou... Læs hele novellen

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