London - First time

London - First time

I was once traveling across the UK with a friend when we stopped in a rest area, for a walk and a piss.

When we came back out to our car just over from us was an RV, and sitting on the door way of this RV was a beautiful young Lady of about 19 or 20, that was holding a long rope that held a dog at the end.

After the dog, (a German Shepard) had done his business he came

running back over to this gal. And while she sat on the door step he pushed his head between her legs under her short skirt and began to licked her. All she did was to open up showing nothing underneath for all to see and so he could get better at her. There as we watched she was soon in the heights of glory. Only then did we see another woman inside the RV that was naked standing near by the door masturbating as she watched also.

When the Lady on the doorstep noticed that we were watching she waved us over. At that time she ask if we enjoyed the show? Well of course we both said that we did. She then told us that if we would like to watch more closely, we could come on into the RV.

When we entered we found not only one more, but three more nude females there, and another dog, which was about the same size as the one that outside.

We were told that they were a Family that were also traveling to the west coast, and that they were Grandmother, Mother and two daughters. The Grandmother was in her 50s, the Mother was 35 the oldest daughter who was the one on the door step was 19 and the youngest was only 13. They told us that the only men in their lives were the men they picked up a long the way, because the Husband and Grandfather had died in an trucking accident a few years ago. They also told us that they had found all the Love and care they needed from males through their dogs and quick pick ups. Such as us!

The only rules were that we could not touch the youngest girl in any way, and any of the rest if, they said NO! But we could spend some time with them watching, or we ... Læs hele novellen

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