My soldier returns

My soldier returns

My husband had been away for so long. Being thrown into a military wife lifestyle is sure hard. I didnt embrace the lifestyle easily, like some women I hear do. I didnt dare hunt for a lover...or multiple lovers for that matter and I refused to go on a spending spree. But, my newfound love and devotion for my man and sudden major interest in pleasing him sexually.... well, it was pretty difficult to ignore. I dreamt about him.... never did I imagine that Id have such wild fantasies. Usually, they involved us having sex in a public place like mad rabbits.

I was scared of what I would actually do when I got to see him...and here we were, counting down the hours. We had 9 hours and 50 minutes until his plane arrived. I had been planning his arrival in my head for nearly four months. Not knowing what time or day he would arrive made it even more difficult. The Gods above were smiling down on me, when he called me and said that he was going to be arriving on a Saturday night! I didnt want to put the kids off on someone the first night that dad was home...if he had gotten in on Friday night it would have been better. I decided that I wouldnt send the kids away the first night...and hoped he would understand. It was going to kill me too! If he only knew how much.

Around the four hour mark, I couldnt stand it anymore. The kids were antsy as was I. I had managed to clean our room the cleanest it had been...the kitchen was spotless...laundry was folded and put away.... dog was bathed.... all the energy I had waiting on him had gone into cleaning. Now.... I wasnt able to sit and just wait. So, I gathered up the kids and we headed to the airport. The trip, with all the stoplights, usually takes about 20 minutes. This was over in what seemed to be 10 at best. I parked along the gate for a while so the kids could watch the planes. I watched for familiar cars of family members. Finally, I took a spot in the parking garage and lay the seat back to sleep. The kid... Læs hele novellen

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