My step daughter

My step daughter

My 22 year old step daughter has a 5 month old son and she breastfeeds him. She is a beautiful young lady that is 511" 136 #s and wore a 36c bra before the baby. Her husband is a jerk and would not ever spend any time with her at our house and has since been caught cheating on her. He started going to counceling but has since quit saying he doesnt want to be married (asshole). So she is living with us for a while. When at first she would feed the baby I would leave the room so she would feel comfortable and not need to cover him with a blanket making him hot. She asked her mom why I always left and when she found out why she said that was silly.

So i would stay in the room after that and unless her brother or others (including her birth father) were in the room she wouldnt cover the baby with a blanket. I had definately seen her tits during this time but was doing my best not to stare, but I couldnt miss that they have wonderful dark areolas with big thick nipples. I have fairly recently realised that she acts differantly if i am the only one in the room when she feeds the baby. If her mom or sister are in there with us, she pulls up her bra flap or down the shirt as she moves the baby away. But if i am the only one in the room she will move the baby away without covering her tit right away. I did not want to make her stop so I tried not to openly look unless we were actually talking at the time. Which I tried to always do while she was feeding him. This went on a couple weeks with us being alone about 6 times so it wasnt a fluke.

Last friday her mom was at the grocery store with her sister and when she finished feeding him on one side and went to move him to the other she didnt cover the first. She was talkig to me about divorce (i had a wife before her mom) the whole time with me looking at her all along. Her son finished on the second side and she burped him a little and layed him down on the couch next to her, with both tits out now. she stated that she ... Læs hele novellen

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