New duties

New duties

After his phone call she was seething with anger, rage, pain, hurt, humiliation -then she collapsed into despair crying for the past two hours since hed hung up. Now, she just felt numb. She had no idea what she was going to do -except exactly what her husband was demanding.

Yesterday started on such a wonderful note. Jeremy, her husband had called and without explanation, told her to meet him at the Mall. She couldnt imagine why, but when she arrived he was waiting and he explained that they had a very special event to attend the following night. They would now go shopping and he was going to buy her a new outfit - something "very special for this special night." She was delighted and very excited as they entered the Mall.

They went to a little boutique that sold expensive clothes and after she tried on several Jeremy picked what she thought was an outrageous little black dress. It was a halter style around her neck with a plunging neckline - almost to her waist. Forget wearing a bra - - fortunately, her figure was cute and the dressfit perfectly. It was backless and fit tight around her waist and then blossomed into a full shirt. She had to admit that she looked good in it; looking in the mirror her breasts looked perky and she could see her nipples outlined under the sheer black material. Yes, she looked very sexy, but she was uncomfortable when she thought about wearing it in public... especially to some "special event", which was surely a business affair with his colleagues and/or customers. There were two other men and several women customers in the store, so she was shocked when Jeremy insisted that she pose in several positions which revealed most of her charms to the other customers. She was embarrassed but anxious to please Jeremy so she turned and spun causing the dress to fly up exposing the upper parts of her legs.

"Do you have panties on?" he demanded in a loud voice. Get in there and take them off; they look ridiculous with this dress. Her ch... Læs hele novellen

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