On edge

On edge

"What," Valerie said to her husband, Jack, as she put on the final touches of her makeup!?! "Whataya mean, what," he ask while drying off his just washed hair!?!" "You know what I mean," she said while looking at him in the mirror!!!" "No I dont," he protested, "I have no idea what youre talking about!!!" After rolling her eyes, she turned half way around to face him and asked, "How many years have we been married!?!" "Uh, six," he replied, "why!?!" "Youd think after six years youd get used to seeing your wife without her clothes on," she said while shaking her head!!!" "I am used to it," he replied, "I didnt say a word!!!" "Well just look at you," she said in exasperation while pointing at his now hard cock, "I cant remember the last time I saw when it was soft!!!" "He laughed a devilish little laugh as he advanced towards her and said softly, "Well, baby, after youve taken care of it, maybe youll see it then!!!" "Now Jack," she replied quickly, "we dont have time for this nonsense, were late as it is!!!" "Mmmm, since when is making love to your wife nonsense," he asked just before crushing her lips with his!?!" When they finally broke away she said with a little gasp, "Y-you know thats not what I meant, I just meant that since were late, we dont have time to, ohhhhhhhhhh, Jack, stop that, I-I cant help myself, oh, damn you, fuck me, just take me!!!"

Jack always knew just what buttons to push, and a middle finger buried in his wifes pussy was always more than enough to bring her around, and this time it was no different as she spun around and leaned over her dressing table with her ass in the air and her legs spread wide apart!!! As he lined his thick pecker up to enter her, he had to admit that she was right about one thing, even after six years of marriage the sight of her body was just about more than he could take!!! From the very first time he saw her walking across the Quad at the university, he was smitten and there wasnt a damn thing he could do about it... Læs hele novellen

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