Our Sister, Our Slut

Our Sister, Our Slut

Sandra Bellingham didnt see much of her three kids. She had divorced her husband just over a year ago, but as her eldest son was able to look after his younger brother and sister, Sandra was able to keep working despite being a single-parent. She was a police officer and her usual shift was 3:00PM until 11:00PM. That meant she just saw her adolescent kids in the morning before they went to school and perhaps briefly at night before they went off to bed.

This suited her three kids just fine because they doubted their mother would approve of what they got up to!

The eldest was Kurt. He was seventeen years old, a strapping six-footer who was on the High School football team. He took after his father with his jet-black hair and dark eyes. Being the man of the house meant he was a very serious and mature young man.

The middle child, Jeremy, was fourteen, and he took after his mother with his dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was slender and short for his age - five-foot-four - and often seemed younger because he acted like a kid sometimes, with a silly sense of humor and an inability to take anything seriously.

Finally there was their sister, Daisy, who looked as delicate as the flower she was named after, although she certainly didnt act it. Daisy was thirteen years old, a hyperactive and rebellious girl, but also very pretty. She had long, wavy light-brown hair and deep brown eyes. Being just under five-foot in height, very slim and with a delicate and pretty face made her seem disarmingly sweet. Quite simply she was the wild-child from hell; not malicious and certainly not aggressive, but just totally unconcerned with conventional morality and social norms. Daisy had a sex-drive that had kicked in early (she had started masturbating at age six) and she had little sense of restraint, finding the common arguements for self-denial (such as those espoused by her ... Læs hele novellen

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