Pick a toy

Pick a toy

He obeyed so well. It was one of her favorite things about him. Her other favorite thing about him? The way he disobeyed.

Tonight shed push him to his limits and test his devotion. She had to. If he succeeded, she would collar him.

Shed searched for weeks for his collar, the one that would fit him perfectly. One that fit them perfectly. It was black leather, dark, soft and supple. It snapped close and had four silver rings attached to it: one on the front, one on the back, and one on each side. That was it. Simple and inviting and a symbol of their bliss.

She walked into the room and found him exactly as shed commanded: naked and kneeling on the floor with his eyes closed. The hotel room was perfect. She set her bags down and began to prepare for the upcoming night.

She didnt acknowledge him with words or touch. She just made him wait. She changed clothes and set out a number of toys on the bed. She took no caution to be quiet. She liked the idea of him trying to guess what she was doing by listening to every sound.

She was ready to begin and sat on the bed before him with her legs spread. She watched him. He was hard. Hed been hard the second she arrived. She watched his nostrils flare and knew he could smell her. A hint of vanilla and her – that smell of arousal and softness he dreamed about at night.

"Hello, my darling slave," she whispered.

He inhaled sharply and groaned, "Mistress."

That single word never failed to curl her toes and make her wet. "I have a surprise for you, slave." He swayed slightly on his knees as she continued, "This night will change you. It will change us. It will push your limits and destroy your boundaries. Your devotion will be your guide, and your reward will be divine. And if you ever want out, simply say the safety word and you are free. Do you understand?"

He paused. She was glad he thought it over because it was important to her. Such claims should not be taken lightly. He licked his lips and shivered o... Læs hele novellen

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