Pleasure after a long day

Pleasure after a long day

After a long hard day at work all Tianna wanted was to go home and soak in a nice hot bubble bath then have Timothy massage her feet. It was so hard running a temp agency especially lately as it seemed to be getting harder to please her clients. Everyone wanted perfection and didnt understand that her temps were people and not robots so mistakes were bound to happen and the mistakes that have been happening werent that drastic.

With a great sigh of relief Tianna parked her car in her garage and made her way into the house. After sorting through the mail she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and stripped then headed to the bathroom and began running the water for her bubble bath. At that moment Timothy walked in and smiled at her not even seeming to care that here his mother was stark naked in from of him. "Mom, guess what I got today?" he asked finally looking at her and blushing. "Oh... Mom,... I m sorry... I didnt realize..." he stammered but keeping his eyes locked on her body.

"Tim, its ok.. but I am naked and about to take a bath. Let me finish filling the tub and then once Im in and soaking under the bubbles you can come in and tell me your news. Does that sound ok?" Tianna asked trying to take the embarrassment out of the situation. Yes, Timothy just turned eighteen last month and was developing into a very sexy young man but he was her son and shouldnt be staring at her the way he was. It was making her feel like a rabbit being hunted by a wolf.

"Um... sure... Im sorry..." Tim muttered as he quickly turned away and practically ran out of the room. Tianna wasnt sure which one was more embarrassed but laughed it off and finished filling the tub then once she was emerged in the water and sure the bubbles covered her enough she called to him. Slowly he entered the room then seeing that she was no longer visible to his eyes he walked over and sat on the edge of the tub. "Ok, now that Im finally soaking tell me you news?" she said smiling at him and l... Læs hele novellen

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