

Jessie came into the spare room where I was sitting at my desk playing poker games online.

She’d caught me off guard, as I was sitting there with just a towel wrapped around me.

Jessie was supposed to be staying at her girlfriends place for the night and I’d just taken a shower.

My wife had already got to bed hours ago.

“Hi there, old man.” She said slightly stirring her words.

I could tell that she was a bit drunk.

“Hi sweetheart.” I replied.

“How was your night” I asked feeling slightly embarrassed about her catching me in just the towel.

“Had a fight with my boyfriend.” She replied with a laugh.

“What about?” I inquired.

“I was horny and he wasn’t.” Jessie replied with another laugh.

Jessie was my 15 year old granddaughter and we’d always been able to discuss things quite openly, even sexual matters.

“Well, that’s his lost then eh?” I replied laughing along with her.

“That’s for sure. One you miss out on is one you’ll never get.” She replied swaying slightly.

“Sit down before you fall down you little drunk.” I said laughing.

My wife would not have been happy to see her in this state.

Thank god she was a sound sleeper.

“Okay.” Jessie replied.

But instead of sitting on the bed behind her, she surprised me by sitting herself down on my lap.

“What you doing?” she asked, staring at the computer screen.

“Just playing poker.” I replied leaning forward to grab the mouse to make my move.

I could smell the booze on her breath and knew she’d been drinking quite heavily.

As I played out the hand on the computer screen, I was very much aware of Jessie’s backside pressing down onto my naked cock under the towel.

I’d often had fantasies about having sex with my granddaughter, but knew that there was no way in hell that I’d ever act out my fantasies for real, after all, she was only 15 years old, plus there was the incestuous fact that she was also my granddaughter.

Still the thoughts were my own and you can... Læs hele novellen

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